Shoot the Moon’s flagship tabletop gaming convention hosted on Star Island in New Hampshire.

Games for days

Experience four days of tabletop gaming. No vendors or long lines, just tables full of friends you haven’t met yet.

Summer camp feel

Wake up with a polar bear swim and enjoy s’mores around the camp fire or an evening ghost tour.

All inclusive pricing

Home cooked meals, housing, and ferry transit are included in the price. No $14 convention hall chicken nuggets.


StarCon is a multi-day, all-inclusive tabletop gaming convention hosted on Star Island, NH.

Our schedule includes games with different degrees of complexity so people of all ages and experience levels can join the fun! Additionally, we offer the option of half-day childcare if you choose to bring your youngest gamers along. Gaming styles include board games, miniatures, and RPGs utilizing various systems.

In addition to extensive time to play, learn, and lead games, you can participate in outdoor activities, enjoy social gatherings, or simply unplug. When (if) you’ve had enough gaming for the day, you can go for a walk, swim, take a tour of the island, or enjoy a refreshing drink on the Oceanic Hotel’s famous front porch!